
Primary Care Enhanced Physician Rates (“Bump”)


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TO:  All Physician Providers


Medicaid-enrolled primary care physicians who qualify for Primary Care Enhanced Physician Rates may continue to receive enhanced payments. To qualify, eligible1 providers must accurately self-attest by filing required forms following the procedures below.


The current approval for the enhanced rates includes dates of service October 1, 2015, through September 30, 2016.


Which providers may qualify for the Primary Care Enhanced Physician Rates?
A provider must meet one of the following requirements listed below:


1.    A provider must have a specialty or subspecialty designation in family medicine, general internal medicine, or pediatrics that is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS), or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), and they actually practice in their specialty.


2.    A NON-board certified provider who practices in the field of family medicine, general internal medicine, or pediatrics or a subspecialty under one of these specialties, is eligible1 if he/she can attest that 60 percent of their paid Medicaid procedures billed are for certain specified1 procedure codes for evaluation and management (E&M) services and certain Vaccines for Children (VFC) vaccine administration codes.


Note* Practitioners (physician assistants or certified registered nurse practitioners) providing services under the personal supervision of eligible1 physicians may qualify.


Which providers do NOT qualify for the Primary Care Enhanced Physician Rates?
Below are examples of providers who do not meet criteria: 

1.    Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)

2.    Rural Health Clinic (RHC)

3.    Health Department (ADPH)

4.    Teaching Facility

5.    OB/GYNs

6.    Nursing Facility


Where can a provider go to view the Primary Care Enhanced Physician Rates?
A provider can visit this link for the procedure codes and fees.

1 As defined by 42 C.F.R. Pts.438, 441, and 447, interpreted by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) guidance and consistent with the Alabama State Plan

What steps are necessary for a provider to be eligible1 Primary Care Enhanced Physician Rates?

1.    Visit

2.    Select Provider Enrollment from the drop-down menu under “Providers”

3.    Complete a self-attestation form

4.    Attach proof of board certification, if applicable

5.    Mail original self-attestation form to the address specified


When will the provider receive the Primary Care Enhanced Physician Rates?

1.    An eligible1 provider with self-attestation form on file at HPES by October 31, 2015, will
receive payment at the enhanced rates retroactive to October 1, 2015.

2.    An eligible1 provider with self-attestation form on file at HPES on or after November 1, 2015, will receive payment at the enhanced rates for dates of service beginning with the date of the self-attestation is entered into the system by HPES.


The Agency will review and verify that requirements for the enhanced rates are being met.  Enhanced rates paid to providers that do not meet the specifications1 may be subject to

For questions regarding the primary care enhanced physician rates, please contact Beverly Churchwell at