Amendments to the State Plan (SPAs) are required when changes to amount, duration or scope of services, or eligibility requirements are proposed. Click on links below to view SPAs by year in which they were filed.
Inquiries regarding proposed SPAs should be directed to:
Administative Secretary
Alabama Medicaid Agency
501 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36130
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
12/13/24 |
Third Party Trauma Mailers |
2/18/25 |
Alabama Coordinated Health Network |
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
12/19/23 |
Physician Services |
12/19/23 |
Third Party Liability |
8/12/24 |
Recovery Audit Contractor |
8/15/24 |
Alabama Coordinated Health Network |
9/19/24 |
Hospital Reimbursement |
11/18/24 |
Physician Retention and Access Improvement Program |
11/18/24 |
Consolidated Appropriations Act, Section 5121 |
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
1/20/23 |
Recipient Signature Requirements |
2/13/23 |
Former Foster Care Children Eligibility |
3/20/23 |
Disaster Relief - Nursing Home Rate |
4/19/23 |
Disaster Relief - Copays |
5/8/23 |
Disaster Relief - Telehealth |
5/15/23 |
Outpatient Pharmacy |
5/17/23 |
Telehealth |
5/19/23 |
Language Update |
6/20/23 |
Teaching Hospital |
9/11/23 |
Adult Vaccines |
9/11/23 |
Mobile Crisis Services |
9/19/23 |
Rehabilitative Services Provider Qualifications |
9/19/23 |
Hospital Reimbursement |
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
1/20/22 |
Alabama Medicaid Disaster Relief for the COVID-19 National Emergency SPA – Nursing Facilities (Rescind) |
3/10/22 |
Alabama Coordinated Health Network Quality Bonus Payment |
4/19/22 |
COVID-19 Testing, Vaccination, and Administration and Related Treatments |
6/17/22 |
Dental Benefits for Pregnant, Full Medicaid Recipients |
6/17/22 |
Postpartum Coverage Extended to 12-Months |
8/5/22 |
Recovery Audit Contractor |
8/10/22 |
Disaster Relief - Nursing Facility Supplemental Payment |
9/20/22 |
Ground Emergency Medical Transport |
9/20/22 |
Intensive Family Intervention |
9/20/22 |
Hospital Services Reimbursement |
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
1/11/21 |
Targeted Case Management |
1/28/21 |
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Support Act |
2/2/21 |
Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) |
2/2/21 |
Alabama Coordinated Health Network Quality Bonus Payment |
9/20/21 |
Hospital Reimbursement Methodology |
11/5/21 |
Third Party Liability |
11/19/21 |
Nurse-Family Partnership Program |
12/20/21 |
Non-Emergency Transportation |
12/21/21 |
Clinical Trials |
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
3/20/20 |
Home and Community Based Waivers |
3/27/20 |
Medicaid Disaster Relief for the COVID-19 National Emergency |
3/31/20 |
Alabama Medicaid Disaster Relief for the COVID-19 National Emergency SPA – Ambulance |
4/6/20 |
Alabama Medicaid Disaster Relief for the COVID-19 National Emergency SPA – Nursing Facilities |
5/6/20 |
Alabama Medicaid Disaster Relief for the COVID-19 National Emergency SPA – COVID Testing |
5/14/20 |
Alabama Medicaid Disaster Relief for the COVID-19 National Emergency SPA – Inpatient Per Diem increase |
6/9/20 |
Alabama Medicaid Disaster Relief for the COVID-19 National Emergency SPA – Dental |
7/17/20 |
1902(r)2 and MAGI-Based Income Methodology |
8/5/20 |
Medicaid Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Program |
9/17/20 |
Nursing Homes |
9/17/20 |
SAIL Waiver |
9/17/20 |
Hospital Reimbursement Methodology |
11/2/20 |
Supplemental Drug Rebate |
12/1/20 |
Eye Care |
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
2/20/19 |
Alabama Coordinated Health Network |
3/20/19 |
Nurse Practitioners |
4/18/19 |
Outpatient Pharmacy 340b Program |
5/20/19 |
Medicaid Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Program |
6/19/19 |
Federally Qualified Health Centers |
6/19/19 |
Rural Health Clinics |
6/21/19 |
Supplemental Drug Rebate |
9/11/19 |
Drug Utilization Review |
9/20/19 |
Hospital Reimbursement Methodology |
10/21/19 |
Teaching Physicians |
12/12/19 |
Pharmacy Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) |
12/18/19 |
Targeted Case Management (TCM) Providers |
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
3/21/18 |
Substance Use Disorder |
4/20/18 |
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Reimbursement |
8/20/18 |
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy |
9/20/18 |
Hospital Services and Reimbursement |
10/22/18 |
Autism Spectrum Disorder |
10/22/18 |
Rehab Option - Autism Spectrum Disorder |
11/19/18 |
Autism Spectrum Disorder EPSDT |
Date Filed |
Proposed SPA |
1/20/17 |
Administrative Fair Hearings Public Notice |
1/20/17 |
Psychiatric Facilities for Individuals 65 or Older Public Notice |
4/28/17 |
Covered Outpatient Drug Final Rule with Comment (CMS-2345-FC) |
4/28/17 |
Payments to Teaching Physicians |
7/20/17 |
Administrative Fair Hearings |
9/20/17 |
Hospital Services and Reimbursement |
10/20/17 |
Recovery Audit Contractor |
11/17/17 |
Rehabilitative Option |