The Alabama Medicaid Agency is committed to preserving recipients' right to privacy and adheres to all privacy policies and standards, including HIPAA rules and regulations regarding protected health information. In addition, we endeavor to restrict employee access to any personal information except where necessary to perform required duties..
To protect yourself against being a victim of fraud, remember:
Always keep your personal information, such as your Medicaid and/or Medicare number, safe. Treat it just like a credit card number or your bank account number.
It is against Medicare and Medicaid's rules to call and ask for bank account or other personal information, or cash payment, over the telephone. Never give this type of information to someone who calls you.
Replacement Medicaid and Medicare cards are provided free of charge. People with Medicaid annd/or Medicare will never be called and told they will lose their health benefits if they do not pay for a new card. To replace a Medicaid card, call toll-free 1-800-362-1504.
Report any questionable activity to the Alabama Medicaid Agency Fraud Hotline at 1-866-452-4930, toll-free.
Questions or concerns about any activity related to Medicare or the Medicaid drug program should be directed to 1-877-772-3379, toll-free.
Click here to read an English language version of how Medicaid uses and protects private information about recipients.
Click here to read a Spanish version of how Medicaid uses and protects private information about recipients.
Click here for more information on identity theft and consumer protection from the Alabama Attorney General's office.