
Cost Reporting Template – Testing Period


PDF Version 

TO:  Skilled Nursing Facility Providers


RE:  Cost Reporting Template – Testing Period


The Alabama Medicaid Agency (Medicaid) will be transitioning to an Excel-based skilled nursing facility and home office cost report effective for the June 30, 2024 cost report due September 16, 2024.

A link to the TEST Excel templates for the June 30, 2024 cost reports has been added to the “Forms” posted to the Skilled Nursing Facility Reimbursement webpage on the Medicaid website.

From the Medicaid homepage navigation bar, please select “Providers” then select “Skilled Nursing Facility Reimbursement.” Scroll down to “Forms” and select “Cost Report Templates.” This will go to the webpage of Medicaid’s contractor, Myers and Stauffer. Scroll down the page to the “Alabama Nursing Facility Cost Report” section, and templates are in the “Forms” tab.

Feedback can be emailed to during the period July 8, 2024 – July 19, 2024. In the body of the email, please include a cost report schedule and line reference, a brief description of the issue encountered, and screenshots where appropriate.

A finalized template will be announced and posted upon the conclusion of the testing period.

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