Working in coordination with Alabama Medicaid, the Alabama Coordinated Health Network, or ACHN, is designed to ensure that every pregnant woman has access to medical care, with the goal of lowering Alabama's infant mortality rate and improving maternal and infant health.
Maternity Program Recipients
If you think you might be pregnant, please contact the ACHN in your region. ACHN nurses and social workers will help you make better choices in order to have better health outcomes for you and your baby.
Information for Providers
- ALERT - Changes in Covered Services for Pregnant Women (full benefit coverage for SOBRA recipients) - 3/2/16
- Manuals, Guidelines and Forms - Includes Performance Improvement Projects, billing manual, and medication/DME information
- Checklist for Maternity Care - Information on denials, reasons for recoupments, where to find information in the Medicaid Provider Billing Manual, free tools and contacts for providers to use in preventing fraud and abuse. 9/17
- ALERT - Update including reporting range for Weeks Gestation of Pregnancy Diagnosis Codes - 4/13/17