Implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Requirement to Access Alabama Medicaid Interactive Web Portal


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TO:  All Providers


RE:  Implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Requirement to Access Alabama Medicaid Interactive Web Portal


Beginning in December 2024, the Alabama Medicaid Agency (Medicaid) will implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) requirements when accessing the Medicaid Interactive Web Portal. This process will be conducted in phases based on web portal user account type. Upon Interactive Web Portal login, selected enabled user accounts will be prompted to complete MFA setup.


Web Portal User Account Type

Go Live Period

ACHN Provider and ACHN Clerk

December 2024

OPR Providers

January 2025

Provider Admin

February 2025

Provider Clerk

March 2025

All Other Accounts

April 2025


Users will be required to download and set up a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) MFA program of their choice to a personal computer (PC) or mobile device. For your convenience, Gainwell Technologies has included a list of MFA mobile applications (apps) that can be installed at no charge:

·         Microsoft Authenticator

·         Google Authenticator


NOTE: Use caution when downloading applications from an untrusted source that can potentially contain viruses, malware or other security threats.


For steps to install and use a MFA program on a PC desktop, please contact your local system administrator and/or Information Technology (IT) department.


Steps to Download MFA Program on a Mobile Device

  1. Open Apple App Store (IOS) or Google Play Store (Android).
  2. Search for MFA Program.
  3. Download App.
  4. Open App.
  5. Follow App prompts to set up MFA User Account.

 After you have downloaded and set up your preferred MFA application, please follow the steps below:

Steps for Initial MFA Setup in the Alabama Medicaid Interactive Web Portal Using a Mobile Device

  1. QR code and a secret code will display.

  2. Using your mobile device scan the QR code provided OR manually enter the 24-character secret code.

  3. The MFA application will now display the Medicaid Account and one-time password. Enter the 6-digit one-time password generated by MFA application in the MFA Authentication field.

Steps for Initial MFA Setup in the Alabama Medicaid Interactive Web Portal Using an MFA PC Desktop Program

  1. Log on to the Alabama Medicaid Interactive Web Portal by going to the following link and selecting Secure Site:
  2. QR code and a secret code will display.
  3. Enter 24-digit secret code into MFA desktop program.
  4. Enter the 6-digit one-time password generated by MFA application in the MFA Authentication field.

After successfully completing the initial MFA setup, users will be prompted to enter a 6-digit one-time password generated by the MFA application each time they log in to the Interactive Web Portal. Users may use the steps outlined below for assistance with this process:


Steps for using MFA After Initial Setup:

  1. Log on to the Alabama Medicaid Interactive Web Portal by going to the following link and selecting Secure Site:
  2. Enter 6-digit one-time password generated by MFA application when prompted.

For questions regarding this process, please contact a Provider Representative at 1-855-523-9170.


For assistance resetting MFA, please contact the EMC Help Desk at 1-800-456-1242.

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