
Public Forum set for input on Medicaid’s SUD 1115 Demonstration Waiver


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Public Forum set for input on Medicaid’s SUD 1115 Demonstration Waiver

Providers, recipients, and other interested individuals will have the opportunity to provide input on the Alabama Medicaid Agency’s (Medicaid) Section 1115 Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD) Waiver for Substance Use Disorders (SUD) 1115(a) Demonstration program during a May public forum in Montgomery and Birmingham.

Comments will be taken during open forums on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., and on Friday, May 12, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. at physical locations and virtually via Webex.

May 11, 2023:

Join by meeting link:

Meeting number (access code): 2597 851 5101

Meeting password: dmVfjNjQ522

Physical Location:  501 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery, AL, Conference Room 8-E

May 12, 2023:

Join by meeting link:

Meeting number (access code): 2594 540 5451

Meeting password: ukSJpZAw369

Physical Location:  JBS Mental Health Authority, 940 Montclair Rd, #200, Birmingham, AL

The annual forum is a requirement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the 1115 Demonstration Waiver under which the SUD program operates.

The goal of the SUD Demonstration is to remove Medicaid payment barriers for opioid use disorders (OUD) and SUD treatment in outpatient, community-based, residential, inpatient, and settings identified by the state as an IMD. Medicaid aims to increase critical access to residential treatment capacity, allowing Alabama to provide an effective SUD treatment continuum of care with interventions capable of meeting the changing needs of individuals for various levels of care. To improve access to the continuum of SUD treatment services, Medicaid also aims to enhance linkages between behavioral health and physical health providers for increased integration of whole-person care. The demonstration will extend Medicaid health coverage to low-income adults ages 21-64 without health insurance screened as meeting the criteria for SUD treatment in specific areas of the state. The State proposes to extend the coverage of these SUD services to nine high-need counties: Blount, Cullman, Etowah, Jefferson, Madison, Shelby, St. Clair, Tuscaloosa, and Walker.

As required by federal regulation, Alabama Medicaid will open a formal 30-day comment period. A copy of the draft Section 1115 Demonstration proposal, the full public notice, and additional information can be found on Alabama Medicaid's website at:

A copy of the draft Section 1115 Demonstration proposal will also be available upon request for public review at the State Office of the Alabama Department of Mental Health, and the State Office of the Alabama Medicaid Agency.

Written comments concerning the Section 1115 Demonstration proposal will be accepted starting May 2, 2023 and are due by June 2, 2023. Send comments to the following email address: or mail hardcopy to Administrative Secretary, Alabama Medicaid Agency, 501 Dexter Avenue, P.O. Box 5624, Montgomery, Alabama 36103-5624. All written comments will be available for review by the public during normal business hours at the above address.