
Billing for Items and Services in Connection with Dental Care Provided


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TO:  Hospital Providers


RE: Billing for Items and Services in Connection with Dental Care Provided


Effective for dates of service on and after November 1, 2023, the Alabama Medicaid Agency (Medicaid) will reimburse for G0330 - facility services for dental rehabilitation procedures. Hospitals should use G0330 to bill for the use of an operating room, items, and services in connection with dental care provided in a hospital setting. Medicaid will reimburse G0330 at $1,205.70.


Hospitals should discontinue submitting claims for D9420 (hospital or ambulatory surgical center call) for dates of service after October 31, 2023.


A prior authorization is not required for G0330. Claims are subject to post-payment reviews.


Providers with billing questions should contact the Gainwell Technologies Provider Assistance Center at 1-800-688-7989.

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and Current Dental Terminology (CDT) codes descriptors, and other data are copyright © 2023 American Medical Association
and © 20
23 American Dental Association (or such other date publication of CPT and CDT). All rights reserved. Applicable FARS/DFARS apply.