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Medicaid providers must begin to submit certification and support documentation
for hysterectomies and abortions with a fillable form starting July 1, 2016. Handwritten forms will no longer be accepted
beginning on July 1, 2016.
Where can a provider go to access the
Hysterectomy (PHY 81243) or Abortion (PHY-96-2) Consent Form?
fillable consent forms will be available on the website at www.medicaid.alabama.gov.
Where can a provider fax the electronic
fillable consent forms?
A fax cover sheet along with the fillable form must be sent to the attention of HPE, Medical Policy Unit/Consent Forms. The fax number is (334) 215-4275.
Note* The Alabama Medicaid Agency will
no longer accept handwritten consent forms by fax. Provider distribution of hard copy consent
forms will be restricted to emergency situations. If an emergency situation should arise,
please contact Beverly Churchwell at Beverly.churchwell@medicaid.alabama.gov.
Where can a provider go to view
additional information about hysterectomies or abortions?
provider can visit the Alabama Medicaid Agency, Provider Manual, Chapter 28,
Physicians at www.medicaid.alabama.gov
for further information about hysterectomies or abortions.
questions regarding certification and support documentation for hysterectomies
or abortions, please contact Beverly Churchwell at beverly.churchwell@medicaid.alabama.gov.